Absence Reporting (Illnesses)
You must phone the school everyday before 8.30 am to report your child's absence on Tel: 01952 387250. Please state your child’s name, class, reasons for absence and your name and relationship to the child. If we do not hear from you, we will make contact with you to confirm the absence as part of our safeguarding procedures.
If your child is suffering from an upset tummy, is feeling sick, or has actually been sick, please do not send them to school. We realise that children sometimes use these things as excuses to stay at home, but we have had instances of children being sent to school when they have been ill that morning. Such action only spreads the infection to others. If a child has been sick more than once or has diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. If your child has been sick once with no other symptoms, they can return after 24 hrs. Any infectious diseases should be notified to the school promptly because we in turn have to inform the local authority.
Below is a link for government guidance - 'Is my child too ill for School':
When medicines are to be administered in school/nursery it is essential that safe procedures are established which are acceptable to appropriate staff involved. It is essential that clear written instructions are supplied by parents when requesting that medication be administered to their child.
Parents should always complete an ‘Administration of Medication’ form available below giving the child’s name and class, clear instructions on the dose to be administered to the child, the time to be given and for what period. Medication must be in its original packaging, clearly labelled and include the prescriber’s instructions and given to the class teacher at the start of the day. Only the prescribed/recommended dose will be administered, this cannot be changed unless written instructions are given from a medical professional.
Prescribed medicines must be worked around the school day so parents/carers are asked to ensure that any medicine needed falls during break and/or lunchtime.
Absence Requests (during Term Time)
Old Park Primary School’s policy is that we do not authorise any holidays in term time unless it can be shown that the request is for special or exceptional circumstances. All requests are at the discretion of the head teacher and depend on the stage of your child’s education and their current school attendance.
To request to take your child out of school you must complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form available below and returned to us well before the date of the absence/ holiday stating why you are making this request. We will then notify you in writing if permission has or has not been granted. Please note that DfE guidance states schools should not authorise leave retrospectively.
Why is school attendance important?
Being in school is important to your child’s academic achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. There is evidence to suggest that regular school attendance is a key mechanism to support children and young people's educational, economic and social outcomes. Schools can facilitate positive peer relationships, which contributes to better mental health and wellbeing. Attendance at school is crucial to prepare young people for successful transition to adulthood, and to support their longer term economic and social participation in society. There is also evidence that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A level results (DFE 2022).
Penalty notices (September 2024 onwards)
1. The fixed penalty notice for 5 days unauthorised absence is now £160 per parent per child, reducing to £80 if paid within 21 days.
2. If there is a second occasion of 5 days unauthorised absence within 3 years a penalty notice of £160 is issued, this time it is not reduced if paid early.
3. On the third occasion of 5 days of unauthorised absence within 3 years no penalty notice will be issued, instead alternative legal actions will be utilised with possible prosecution and fines of up to £2500.
4. A fixed penalty notice can now also be issued to a pupil who has 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence within a 10-week rolling period. This period can also go across terms and does not reset after a half term or end of term holiday.
Maximising Attendance
It is very important that children attend school regularly. Any absences affect their learning and, whilst teachers endeavour to help children catch up with work they have missed, lessons are planned progressively so missing an important stage can be very unsettling both for individual children and the rest of the class. Attendance is monitored regularly both by the school and the Education Welfare Officer.
If parents/carers fail, without a reasonable excuse, to ensure that their children attend regularly they can be prosecuted or a Penalty Notice may be issued. The maximum penalty is a £2500 fine and/or imprisonment of up to 3 months.
Educational Welfare Officer
Should you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or need support please contact our Education Welfare Officer, Helen Carolina Tel: 01952 381881